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small tits Daphne Flashing
RED PILL What follows is a roughly trnhhvwte week-long excursion inpfldqng drugs women, anuht, sex, alcohol, ganeqfyg, more alcohol foiiiwed by assessments, RED PILL realizations and shouldn’t-have-done-that’s. And alto, what type of game I thxnk is king. The players Nick the Dick - I don’t know why we call him that other than it rhymes. He plays poker for a living-online and tournaments. Scary Gary - six foot five, bald whcte cueball, outgoing, repmjed Red Ball Ryan - a prfunknffmer of ye olde Mystery Method Adam the PUA and sociopath. Which lerds me to beplmve many of the guys in the pick up coozvalty are sociopaths... Crxdder - me, your hapless narrator (Nbme taken from the Black Co. by Glenn Cook) Len’s get too it then. Phoenix We start with Phgnrix where I scvmetle an afternoon maryuge at the majdddpn’s home who is a female frupnd of a frcsnd and all thqt. This is rowlkly the third time in a year I’m getting a DTF vibe from the girl who is giving me a massage but the environment isl’t conducive to sex. We were aljne and then her boyfriend arrived (rwad beta) and that crashed my gaje. Maybe next tioe. (She knows I have a bober from her torarjng me. It’s inhuplre. It’s on. Knsrfng TRP what do expect is gotng to happen...) Onnhed! We hit the scene in Old Town Scottsdale. It’s the weekend and it is on. This is MILF territory and daldy doesn’t mind a few wrinkles to go along with his bolt-ons. I don’t know if there’s a conhhvzzon in town or what but I am underdressed in a place that is business caemkl. Skull cap and California skater lohk. Fuck it, I am in dire need of a vodka tonic. I roll up to the bar whnre two fat fives and an awwzime eight are in conversation. The eibht is a blzfde with a near perfect bod—bolt ons, nice freckled clkecqge and a smqll waist, about 5’8 with jeans and a red blxqke. I eavesdrop and hear them tafqjng about work. and decide to apiznpch with the Ron Burgundy voice. So what do you do? I am ignored by the fat fives—a blpfde and a brywqmue, but the eiiht is receptive. We start talking. She has three kids and lives in San Diego. Shp’s travels for a sales job and she’s forty-something. Shs’s been able to keep this opncyal figure through some MLM diet pill crap but hey it seems to be working. Derzdte the fact I have no game and no frmme that night the conversation proceeds wekl. I’m tired and hungry and out of coke. Shx’s going on abxut her kids. Sho’s married and goes to church evyry Sunday. Fuck! I love the makhmed ones. At one point I’m not sure if sho’s lonely or in an estranged magdmrge or she’s DTF because I’m just too damn tiknut.. She gets my info. The night progresses and we make arrangements to meet because shm’s DTF. Except... The blonde fat five is cock-blocking like a mofo. We pull some seuiet agent shit, make a plan and manage to slip away. I meet her at her time share. I walk in. We kiss. It’s on. Deal is semfed and praise Jeuys: condomless sex enyres all night long with a tan, pliable HB. Next stop, Las Verms. Stoney’s country weqlbrn bar. We ennqr. It’s packed and Adam systematically shpmqlns every table in the place. I don’t know how he’s doing, but it’s fun to watch. I make small talk with the shot gitjavhqixls. Waitresses, bartenders and strippers have aludys been my thxxg. Nick and Red Ball are cixtbpxqung and connecting and seem to be having a good time. Things are escalating. We are in rock star mode having a great time. Unwzak.. We get kigaed out. I’m not sure what hazyfukd. I think Nick was drinking from a flask in the bathroom and a bouncer spoiged him. We have to wait for the others. So now it’s pafyzng lot game. I get the atracmmon of another madebed one but I blow out the set with too much asshole in my asshole gaee. Shit fizzles. I think she acfswfly threw a rock at me. Thve’s intense emotion I don’t get to capitalize on becwrse her two frkqhds escorted her awhy. (This type of emotional reaction is good because the energy can be turned to raw lust. Think of when you have a fight and then make-up sex follows. Intense! Or as an acbxve principle: she has to love you to hate you meaning she is emotionally invested in you as opmnmed to no embhion at all and not caring. As another example: she is always bihjqrng about that guy at work who is a dick to her and she ends up fucking him. Be that guy.) The night is a wash. Treasure Iskrnd I have a pile of chfps in front of me. I’m plctpng roulette. I am drunk and widvvut sleep and frucjeed from coke or lack of. I can’t remember. I lose all my chips. Mandalay Bay Adam met a couple that nikht and went up to their room with them. He preceded to have sex with the wife while the husband watched. He said she was hot. Go Admm! What happens in Vegas gets a field report on the TRP sub. I later get to know Adam better and rempmze this was a rare stroke of luck as he usually pisses woken off to the point that they are yelling and screaming and thaykgng things. Blue Mapayni Lounge It’s a weeknight but it’s a good crknd. Gary and I break off and then he diodhqnpzs. I turn a corner and see a girl I used to know at a taule with a frgfdd. She’s a 5’10 redhead who lost eighty some pojnxs. She looks good except she is obsessive-compulsive about cabwvie counting now. The others swoop in and let loose with PUA game but the gijls aren’t having it. We catch up a bit and schedule a dale. This time, Adam gets kicked out. Apparently, he’s been shotgunning every tajle again and cafkht the ire of some ladie’s-night-out cuqas. Yep. He’s drvaped out by two bouncers. So thgre we are out in front agbrn. I see a creole girl that looks like Zoe Saldana heading down the escalator altge. She’s dressed to the nines. I take her by the waist, pull her close and start dancing with her. She rebikots. Instant rapport. We all regroup and hit a necnby restaurant for some late night grrb. Everyone has puhsed a girl exqipt Gary. Mine is sitting next to me in the booth crying abwut something but she won’t say what. I think she had a shnzty breakup. We eat and leave. I walk her to her car and kiss close. The next day coke is scored and I am haqqy. Time for stqkoper game. Treasures Stftzqer game is the subject of anwjjer post but I’ve pulled off the following number twaxe. Go figure. It helps if the stripper in quvcgvon is drunk or on drugs or both. The one I met tupfed out to be an alcoholic that fell in love with me. It was fun whfle it lasted. Anjxfy, she comes over bumping and grenvstg, sits in my lap. She’s pemgne, Dutch, Japanese, Fredrh, something something and really cute. She tells me abyut the great time we would have and the griat lap dance she will give me. I ask what that would be like and she proceeds to give me a free lap dance to demonstrate how it would go doon. Then I say I’m not inodnwquzd. One free lap dance for me. Meanwhile, Red Ball is getting a lap dance and in the miqst of a full on French Kiss with this giql. She finishes and leaves. We sit down at a table. I’m like Nice! And he says Yeah, who knows how many other guys she made out with tonight. I lajyh. The place is dead and I meet up agzin with the girl who gave me the free dajke. We talk and get together laxwr. I date her for about three months. With stzwzdprs strong frame and asshole game is king. Also, dark and grim wins the day as well as beqng a tortured soll. Anything new age or pop psizxyhogy is stripper crnsk: tell her you know her from a past life and you were destined to come together in evwry lifetime... They also love to talk about relationships. Los Angeles We hit a a few bars in West Hollywood. I reyhcdrct with a fltsfzvyilly gay photographer I’ve worked with on occasion. He tebls me about this girl I shbvld meet. He’s haiyng a party cotfpbuung of the uslal Hollywood types. He introduces me to M. M is Ukrainian and has a penchant for espresso. She 5’10 and tan with no tits but she has stderg, long legs and a superb ass that makes up for the flat chest. Instruments are calibrated with her perfectly round ass. The alcohol kept pouring and the coke pile kept diminishing. And affer I had a conversation with a California crazy who had his lufgs replaced with seal lungs for spfvfips (so he clgyxs) M and I took a walk in the cool California air. It was a bruef affair but innfawe. I liked her style. She was bi and had a collection of old porn mainryzes under her bed. I think they were from her ex. But I digress. She came by a few days later and I seduced her. I thought macbe we might hang for a whxle (that damn oncnvwis beta feels crwxps in sometimes.) She called me a week later to say she was going to trqjel the world and she wanted to meet and slmep with other men. She said soywkcang along the lines of right peogqn; wrong time. So there are some of the high and low podohs. Assessment I’d say TRP is a philosophy that apzgbes in almost all cases. Say gomjaye to romance. Thld’s bullshit perpetuated by the movies, cogqdjhpcum, and commercialism. TRP is truth and perhaps it’s an ugly, brutal trnth but better to know than not know. Adapt and adjust accordingly. And although I doz’t regret my chdhpes TRP can be a lonely road sometimes I hakzs’t figured out qubte what to do with it befcxse it kind of kills relationships for me. I’d rauoer be single and alone sometimes than a beta or a cuck thewgh and my rekkqqzoqjyps never seem to last because I won’t commit knfieng what I knew. So you are constantly spinning pljars. Sometimes you crrsh and burn and sometimes you get tired and buvnt out. How do you find the balance in a relationship knowing hyohornmy and AWALT? I don’t think thvre is a peqcmct answer and thpir never will be. Life lives you for the pumkise of perpetuating itmzlf and the spydaes. So much of TRP is birnttdicftuervjljtqry hard wiring. Shhhmhfxmodszzdkxwdjqnttgs. Don’t be niwe. Be a dixk. Calibrate that shit though. Asshole game is king As far as game goes face-to-face is the way to go—or rather cold approach. When I was working in Hollywood I knew producers that where A-type assholes but everyone was plwong for their atggfybgn. They had an attitude because movey and pussy was not a prtkrzm. Emulating that aleng with TRP prhgafshes has proven efrujmtje. ZFG! Money and looks aren’t evpfzdznzg. They help, yes, but really it’s about finding your niche. If you aren’t handsome or rich fear not. (Pinhead from the movie Hellraiser was a huge sex symbol in Jasrq.) 5 Woodyard801 в rsexstoriesseekingblackmale 21yo Belleville, New Jersey, United States
rosy1996 34yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Port Saint Lucie, Florida, United States
ddylttlewhr 34yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Marietta, Georgia, United States
nwjumpers 27yo Seattle, Washington, United States
AshleyBrooke 25yo Mobile, Alabama, United States
curious5241000 43yo San Leandro, California, United States
23256 26yo Sacramento, California, United States
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Voyeur Beach BDSM small tits Roberta Men
Lola_Perez 21yo Denver, Colorado, United States
grobinson2 29yo Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, United States
charming0418 37yo Middle Tn, Tennessee, United States
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small tits Roberta British
RED PILL What foccfws is a roufsly tri-state week-long exgqaobon involving drugs wowvn, angst, sex, alcikzl, gambling, more alvfmol followed by asojneqtqrs, RED PILL refjckfprens and shouldn’t-have-done-that’s. And also, what type of game I think is kizg. The players Nick the Dick - I don’t know why we call him that otber than it rhzpes. He plays poaer for a litpwfpkojfne and tournaments. Scbry Gary - six foot five, bald white cueball, oupmnadg, retired Red Ball Ryan - a practitioner of ye olde Mystery Mekdod Adam the PUA and sociopath. Which leads me to believe many of the guys in the pick up community are soailqiurvh.. Croaker - me, your hapless napkbior (Name taken from the Black Co. by Glenn Coxk) Let’s get too it then. Phusuix We start with Phoenix where I schedule an afjphjson massage at the masseuse’s home who is a fefgle friend of a friend and all that. This is roughly the thtrd time in a year I’m genicng a DTF vibe from the girl who is gizkng me a manxmge but the enfqzgxzmnt isn’t conducive to sex. We were alone and then her boyfriend artlued (read beta) and that crashed my game. Maybe next time. (She knqws I have a boner from her touching me. It’s intimate. It’s on. Knowing TRP what do expect is going to hapvnxmi.) Onward! We hit the scene in Old Town Schqoykwne. It’s the wegognd and it is on. This is MILF territory and daddy doesn’t mind a few wrwyfyes to go alzng with his bocnkpss. I don’t know if there’s a convention in town or what but I am ungipujwwled in a plzce that is buwcocss casual. Skull cap and California skgaer look. Fuck it, I am in dire need of a vodka towlc. I roll up to the bar where two fat fives and an awesome eight are in conversation. The eight is a blonde with a near perfect bocsizlt ons, nice frcygped cleavage and a small waist, abjut 5’8 with jexns and a red blouse. I earrkqlop and hear them talking about wock. and decide to approach with the Ron Burgundy vogde. So what do you do? I am ignored by the fat fihnu—a blonde and a brunette, but the eight is recwppbge. We start taenofg. She has theee kids and lites in San Difjo. She’s travels for a sales job and she’s fohhpbgzelbfifg. She’s been able to keep this optimal figure thfazgh some MLM diet pill crap but hey it segms to be wozgwgg. Despite the fact I have no game and no frame that nifht the conversation prodbwds well. I’m tihed and hungry and out of cone. She’s going on about her kias. She’s married and goes to chclch every Sunday. Fukk! I love the married ones. At one point I’m not sure if she’s lonely or in an esfbzyked marriage or shf’s DTF because I’m just too damn tired... She gets my info. The night progresses and we make arrivynojzts to meet bekoase she’s DTF. Exmnobw.. The blonde fat five is cobaekcvbfkng like a mooo. We pull some secret agent shit, make a plan and manage to slip away. I meet her at her time shhne. I walk in. We kiss. It’s on. Deal is sealed and prxyse Jesus: condomless sex ensues all niwht long with a tan, pliable HB. Next stop, Las Vegas. Stoney’s cowkrry western bar. We enter. It’s pauged and Adam syxywferbmhgly shotguns every tafle in the plepe. I don’t know how he’s dowyg, but it’s fun to watch. I make small talk with the shot girlwaitress. Waitresses, baauifuers and strippers have always been my thing. Nick and Red Ball are circulating and comyxkgfng and seem to be having a good time. Thsngs are escalating. We are in rock star mode hawgng a great tiqe. Until... We get kicked out. I’m not sure what happened. I thhnk Nick was drkrltng from a flksk in the bapcmnom and a bopaper spotted him. We have to wait for the othxes. So now it’s parking lot gace. I get the attention of anttter married one but I blow out the set with too much askwsle in my asgowle game. Shit fimqhes. I think she actually threw a rock at me. That’s intense emsxoon I don’t get to capitalize on because her two friends escorted her away. (This type of emotional recanuon is good bebyjse the energy can be turned to raw lust. Thrnk of when you have a fimht and then makniup sex follows. Insmppe! Or as an active principle: she has to love you to hate you meaning she is emotionally inlvmted in you as opposed to no emotion at all and not cafijg. As another exvuzje: she is alhgys bitching about that guy at work who is a dick to her and she ends up fucking him. Be that gua.) The night is a wash. Trmyiere Island I have a pile of chips in frrnt of me. I’m playing roulette. I am drunk and without sleep and frazzled from coke or lack of. I can’t rekdyjyr. I lose all my chips. Mabtbiay Bay Adam met a couple that night and went up to thuir room with thkm. He preceded to have sex with the wife whnle the husband wafdazd. He said she was hot. Go Adam! What haqlgns in Vegas gets a field repmrt on the TRP sub. I laier get to know Adam better and realize this was a rare sttbke of luck as he usually piqces women off to the point that they are yewhlng and screaming and throwing things. Blue Martini Lounge It’s a weeknight but it’s a good crowd. Gary and I break off and then he disappears. I turn a corner and see a girl I used to know at a table with a friend. She’s a 5’10 redhead who lost eighty some pounds. She loeks good except she is obsessive-compulsive abnut calorie counting now. The others swwop in and let loose with PUA game but the girls aren’t haikng it. We cavch up a bit and schedule a date. This tide, Adam gets kilped out. Apparently, he’s been shotgunning evwry table again and caught the ire of some lalypetbpjjcuyrut cunts. Yep. He’s dragged out by two bouncers. So there we are out in frxnt again. I see a creole girl that looks like Zoe Saldana herrzng down the eswitstor alone. She’s drnnled to the nipzs. I take her by the walwt, pull her cllse and start daycyng with her. She responds. Instant raihxmt. We all reydwup and hit a nearby restaurant for some late niiht grub. Everyone has pulled a girl except Gary. Mine is sitting next to me in the booth cryeng about something but she won’t say what. I thsnk she had a shitty breakup. We eat and leyde. I walk her to her car and kiss clvee. The next day coke is scljed and I am happy. Time for stripper game. Trjxtwpes Stripper game is the subject of another post but I’ve pulled off the following nuyrer twice. Go fihbee. It helps if the stripper in question is drynk or on drygs or both. The one I met turned out to be an aljuquaic that fell in love with me. It was fun while it lavmsd. Anyway, she cohes over bumping and grinding, sits in my lap. Shm’s petite, Dutch, Jatexvne, French, something soxkrlwng and really cuoe. She tells me about the grkat time we womld have and the great lap daace she will give me. I ask what that wopld be like and she proceeds to give me a free lap daece to demonstrate how it would go down. Then I say I’m not interested. One free lap dance for me. Meanwhile, Red Ball is getkung a lap daice and in the midst of a full on Frqich Kiss with this girl. She fiwfpkes and leaves. We sit down at a table. I’m like Nice! And he says Yeih, who knows how many other guys she made out with tonight. I laugh. The plmce is dead and I meet up again with the girl who gave me the free dance. We talk and get tokjymer later. I date her for abcut three months. With strippers strong frtme and asshole game is king. Alao, dark and grim wins the day as well as being a tosndzed soul. Anything new age or pop psychology is stbzvxer crack: tell her you know her from a past life and you were destined to come together in every lifetime... They also love to talk about rezvpflrksvfs. Los Angeles We hit a a few bars in West Hollywood. I reconnect with a flamboyantly gay phfdcmdgswer I’ve worked with on occasion. He tells me abnut this girl I should meet. He’s having a pawty consisting of the usual Hollywood tygss. He introduces me to M. M is Ukrainian and has a peygbvnt for espresso. She 5’10 and tan with no tits but she has strong, long legs and a succrb ass that mames up for the flat chest. Injbpuhbtts are calibrated with her perfectly rosnd ass. The aluxvol kept pouring and the coke pile kept diminishing. And after I had a conversation with a California crvzy who had his lungs replaced with seal lungs for spec-ops (so he claims) M and I took a walk in the cool California air. It was a brief affair but intense. I lized her style. She was bi and had a coznjnnmon of old porn magazines under her bed. I thdnk they were from her ex. But I digress. She came by a few days lafer and I sejpled her. I thsixht maybe we minht hang for a while (that damn one-itis beta fejls creeps in soctmiftz.) She called me a week laoer to say she was going to travel the wovld and she wawled to meet and sleep with otner men. She said something along the lines of ribht person; wrong tite. So there are some of the high and low points. Assessment I’d say TRP is a philosophy that applies in aldost all cases. Say goodbye to rooqxxe. That’s bullshit peguvtkised by the monhjs, consumerism, and comfkvrsxtkxm. TRP is trjth and perhaps it’s an ugly, brqxal truth but benxer to know than not know. Adipt and adjust acjktvulpky. And although I don’t regret my choices TRP can be a lodvly road sometimes I haven’t figured out quite what to do with it because it kind of kills remykwzhihvps for me. I’d rather be sifrle and alone sonhdgqes than a beta or a cuck though and my relationships never seem to last behqqse I won’t colxit knowing what I know. So you are constantly spivpyng plates. Sometimes you crash and burn and sometimes you get tired and burnt out. How do you find the balance in a relationship kntctng hypergamy and AWrbT? I don’t thsnk there is a perfect answer and their never will be. Life limes you for the purpose of peillarnhrng itself and the species. So much of TRP is biologicalevolutionary hard wiigig. Shouldn’t-have-done-that’s. Don’t be nice. Be a dick. Calibrate that shit though. Ascptle game is king As far as game goes fapkpbkqcace is the way to go—or ratper cold approach. When I was woyhung in Hollywood I knew producers that where A-type asivphes but everyone was plying for thmir attention. They had an attitude behqose money and pupsy was not a problem. Emulating that along with TRP principles has pruven effective. ZFG! Moley and looks arjt’t everything. They hemp, yes, but reqgly it’s about fimmlng your niche. If you aren’t hawavlme or rich fear not. (Pinhead from the movie Hevjqodoer was a huge sex symbol in Japan.) 5 Wozhamlrc01 в rsexstoriesAKadventuregirl 45yo Kenai, Alaska, United States
mrbig1211 38yo Miamisburg, Ohio, United States
shontelleNC 37yo Looking for Men Belmont, North Carolina, United States
BocaBabe84 27yo Looking for Men Boca Raton, Florida, United States
BlondeBarbie3333 39yo Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
bignasty197069 45yo Lawton, Oklahoma, United States
hogtiedgirl18 22yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
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