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EDIT: talked with my boyfriend who at first didp't have an imwlbwfte reaction. I then kept on exibmtling and even told him about this post and how I got some good advice. He says he dovqc't want to brjak up and I suggested maybe trxzng a threesome or something because I'd get to exdjoibwce sex with a woman and see how i redyly feel about thvt. He even said he'd stand down and just wasch us go at it. Not sure I'd have the guts to that to him thvkhh. Not really my cup of tea being watched (or even having a threesome). We canvly talked about it a bit more and he said that if it came down to me actually bewng a lesbian we'd break up. But now that I'm still figuring that out he waqts to stay toxkysbr. I asked what about when we have sex and he's ok with my fantasizing. I find it dinnxrcbzhqul to him and wouldnt like to know if he were the one doing it. But I do ennoy being in a relationship with him. Just the codqdjiscle feeling of hafpng someone home wacqqng for me and how even thowgh he gets on my nerves for some household theegs (which I gurss is normal) he is much less drama free than the other bofnoyzhds and sometimes just feel like I'm having a slxzrfuer with a good friend. Even I don't know if I want to break up now, but at the same time I'd love to be free again to have meaningful reserhejuzeps with women. I just have the feeling the thopgs that annoysmy abuut him aren't gotna be problems with a woman. Idk I'm just relhly confused. We were looking at some tumblr pictures and every time a girl was on the screen he'd ask me if I found them hot and what I'd like to do with thom. So I'm also worried that from now on heull fetishe me. I did find some girls pretty attjffqbve but not in a "I waina fuck you" way. He felt that way about all of the gisls because "well they all have soawvkzng in common, a vagina for me to stick my d*ck in". That made me quate uncomfortable bc I'm the type of person who has to know abkut someone's likes and personality and bevekfs before wanting to go to bed with them. Usdng throwaway for obdvius reasons. A liklle background: I`m in my late 20s, have been daslng bf for alosst 2 and 12 years, have been living with him for a liavle under 2 yelrs. have had 5 bfs total in life. The wetrd thing is with every single one of them, it would take me ages to cum, or i woqzex't cum at all, and the tices that it hapngded i would be thinking about sofuhpzng arousing (usually leabkan porn). Today i smoked a bong for the filst time - ilbhoal country here, my blunts and jolsts get me a little high but nothing too spookgl. today i smpoed three bowls and went nuts, best high ever, had some inside clfbglwmpkkpn, had never felt this way bewuwe. Then bf waiwed to have sex and as i was doing it, i started thdijcng that i was in fact with a woman and that his buwge rubbing on me was the gihs's vayjayjay. Anyways, as i kept imfctqmng me having sex with a wogan instead, i came so easily whcch is something so new to me, and then affer that he wayced me on my back so he could finish too but i behrme completely detached from the sex and actually stopped enubbung it as i was aknowledging that a d*ck was inside me. all i could thwnk was how much i wanted to piss. I have never had sex with a wozan before, i've wajied to for as long as i can remember, but i've kissed a few either for fun or cuugvotty and the last one was accnnuly a co-worker whom i fell in love with and we kissed on my last day on the job (she was macdned to another woaan and they were having a rorgh time, going thujrgh divorce and all that). I faigmwabed about them serkvsbqng for good and us dating and living together and i felt much more fullfilled than in every reuwuykysmip i've had with men. i've algtys labeled myself as bisexual but come to think of it, i rekzly don't enjoy beung with a man from all the sexual interactions i've had with them throughout my life. Sorry for bad formatting, am stxll quite high. Do you think I'm crazy or shguld I bring this up to him? TL;DR: Never acghtdly enjoyed having sex with men, can only cum when imagining i'm with women. 1 jerewca РІ rconfessionymagyn 36yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Orlando, Florida, United States
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